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About Andrea Meakin

Andrea Meakin art oil painter standing in front of her art studio

I am a full-time mum who paints whenever I have the opportunity, and loves escaping to my dedicated log cabin art studio, turning on the radio and immersing myself in my latest oil painting, whether it be a pet portrait, wildlife or more recently a seascape. 


After attending Rochester Art College I continued painting as a hobby whilst following a career that took me around the world several times by sea and air - for the last twenty years I was cabin crew for a major international airline where I was lucky enough to play with elephants in Nairobi, meet cheetahs in Capetown, and feed chimpanzees in Uganda! These experiences inspired my love of wildlife painting.


Every now and then I enter a national competition and this year am delighted to have won the SAA Amateur Artist of the Year 2023 People's Choice Award and Runner-up prize in the Seascape category, and to have been selected (not hung) in the 2015 David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year competition.


My paintings have appeared in Paint, Artist & Illustrator and The Artist magazines, been on the front cover of a Christmas edition of Paint, and I was invited to demonstrate my painting techniques for Painters Online.


I specialise in capturing the character and personality of an animal and bringing them to life on canvas. My finished work is on my website and my progress and behind-the-scenes activity is published via daily Facebook posts.

Andrea Meakin art oil painter view of her art studio
Andrea Meakin art oil painter's paint brushes
Andrea Meakin art oil painter having a cup of tea in front of an oil painting of polar bears
Realistc oil painting of twp polar bears

Southern Nature Art Exhibition 2023 Winner 'Marwell Wildlife Zoo Award' judged by Pip McGarry

Seascape oil painting of fishing boats reflecting in water

SAA Amateur Artist of the Year 2023: Winner of People's Choice Award and Runner-up in Seascape category

An oil painting of a Robin on the front page of Paint magazine by Andrea Meakin artist

Andrea's Robin on the front cover of SAA's Paint magazine, Dec 2014

An oil painting of a hare in The Artist magazine by Andrea Meakin artist

Andrea's hare in PaintersOnline editor's choice in The Artist magazine, Mar 2022


Since starting to spend more time painting in 2011, I have gained second place (2012) and first place (2013) at the Cross Barn Art Group Annual exhibitions in Odiham, been selected as the Editors Choice for Painters Online in The Artist magazine (Aug 2012), been selected in the Members Gallery for Paint magazine (2013), and was chosen to exhibit in Farnham Art Society Annual Exhibitions (2013, 2014 and 2015) and at MIWAS Wildlife Art Exhibition (2014).


In September 2014 I was approached by The Society for all Artists to feature as the front cover Artist for the December issue of the SAA magazine 'Paint'.


I was invited to write an article on how she paints for the Painters Online newsletter in April 2015 where I described painting black labrador 'Ronny' alongside a series of time-lapsed photos.


In March 2015 I was selected as a finalist (Selected not Hung) for the David Shepherd Wildlife Artist of the Year 2015 where my hare 'Warren' was displayed in a folder at the exhibition and on the website.


In 2023 I won the SAA Amateur Artist of the Year 2023 People's Choice Award  and was runner-up in the Seascape category for 'Time to Reflect'.


Also in 2023 I won two awards at the Southern Nature Art Exhibition, winning 'Best Newcomer' overall and the 'Marwell Wildlife Zoo Award' for my two Polar Bears judged by Pip McGarry.


Contact Andrea for more information

on +44 (0) 7739 571 886

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